MBA Exam

10 straight lines, no two of which are parallel and no three of which pass through any common points are drawn on a plane. the toatal no of regions(including finite and infinite region ) into which the plane would be divided by the lines is? Approach pllzzzzzz!!!

1) 56
2) 225
3) 1024
4) not unique

Read Solution (Total 1)

MBA Other Question

Let x be real and f(x) be the largest value of |y2 - xy| for y in [0, 1]. What is the minimum value of f (x)?

1) 1/4
2) 3 - 2*(2<sup>1/2</sup>)
3) (2<sup>1/2</sup> - 1)/2
4) None of these
A ‘table set’ consists of a ‘table’ and a ‘table cloth’. For every ‘table set’, the price of its ‘table cloth’ is directly proportional to the price of the ‘table’. The ‘table cloths’ of two ‘table sets’ A and B are exchanged. The ratio of the prices of the ‘table set’ A and ‘table set’ B before and after the exchange of the ‘table cloths’ are 5:1 and 4:1 respectively. If the price of ‘table set’ C is 8 times that of ‘table set’ D, then the ratio of the prices of ‘table set’ C and ‘table set’ D when their respective ‘table cloths’ are exchanged is (A ‘table set’ is identified by the ‘table’, and not by the ‘table cloth’)

1) 5:1
2) 17:3
3) 8:1
4) 7:1