MBA Exam

The number of diagonals of a convex polygon is 65.what could be the maximum number of points of intersection of these diagonals in the interior of the polygon ?

1) 715
2) 585
3) 845
4) 650

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MBA Other Question

In a regular hexagon of side a cm,the mid points of three alternate sides are joined in order to form a triangle.What is the ratio of the area of the triangle such formed to area of hexagon?

1) 2:5
2) 7:8
3) 3:8
4) 1:2
5) 2:7
Grass in lawn grows equally
thick and in a uniform rate. It takes 40 days for 40 cows and 60 days for 30
cows to eat the whole of the grass. How many days does it take for 20 cows to do
the same?

1) 80
2) 60
3) 120
4) 180