Java Programming and Technical Programming Arrays

Identify the correct options from the classes provided below.
More than one may be correct.

A. import static edu.ABC.model.Account.*;
public class Loan {
public double getInterest() {

B. import static edu.ABC.model.Account ;
public class Loan {
public double getInterest() {

C. import edu.ABC.model.Account ;
public class Loan {
public double getInterest() {
return Account.INTEREST_RATE;

D. package edu.ABC.model;
public class Loan {
public double getInterest() {

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Java Other Question

What is special about string objects as compared to objects of other derived types?(More than 1 may be correct)

A. Java provides string constant pool to store the string objects
B. You can concatenate two string objects using ‘+’
C. You can create string objects without or without using new operator
Which exceptions should be explicitly handled or properly propagated?

A. Unchecked exceptions
B. Checked exceptions
C. Errors
C. None of the above