MBA Exam

For how many real numbers ‘a’ does the quadratic equation have only integer roots?Is there any shorter method to solve it quickly

1) 6
2) 16
3) 10
4) Infinite

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MBA Other Question

In a 500 metres race, B gives A a start of 160 metres. the ratio of the speeds of A and B is 2:3. who wins and by how much

1) A by 19/3 m
2) B by 19/3 m
3) B by 20/3m
4) none of these
If ‘c’ is a positive integer, how many three-digit numbers ‘abc’ are there such that both ‘abc’ and ‘cba’ are divisible by 4?plz explain your approach

1) 40
2) 30
3) 34
4) none