The number of zeroes in binary notation of 2^189 - 2^89 is : 1) 0 2) 89 3) 90 4) 189
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- 89 zeroes will be there .
2^189 - 2^89
2 ^ 189 = 10000000....... (189 zero's)
2^ 89 = 1000000000..... (89 zero's)
In 2^189 - 2^89 , there will be 89 - 0s and 100 - 1s - 12 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(0)
MBA Other Question
An industrial widget undergoes four processes P1, P2, P3 and P4 in that order, during its last stage of production. All widgets that enter the sequence at P1 are defect free and continue to be processed till the end of P4, irrespective of any defects that may occur during any of the processes. During a quality control study, it was observed that the outputs of P2, P3 and P4 were 19%, 35.2% and 38.44% defective.Q. .If P1 has a 10% defect rate and a widget is selected randomly from the output of P3, and found to be defective, then what is the probability that a defect was introduced in the widget during P1 and during P2 but not during P3?->Approach Dena mat bhoolna 1) 15.75% 2) 1.23% 3) 2.27% 4) 6.2% 5) Abe Ye sab Qs CAT mein nahi aane wale.. !
A, B and C can individually complete a piece of work in 30, 50 and 75 days respectively. They worked on one day each, with A starting the work followed by B the next day and C the next day. They continued working like this till the 30th day after which the remaining work was completed by B and C working on alternate days with B working on 31st day. In how many days was the work completed? 1) 50 2) 45 3) 40 4) 35 5) 30