MBA Exam

The average of 5 two digit numbers is 60.X and Y are two of the 5 numbers.If the digit of each of X and Y are interchanged then the average of the five numbers will be 51.Instead of this ,if the other numbers are multiplied by -1,then the average of the five numbers will be -18.Find the sum of the tens digit of X and Y.

1) 10
2) 11
3) 12
4) 13

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MBA Other Question

what will be the remainder when.--124^124/125

1) 4
2) 3
3) 2
4) 1
Find the last digit of 1^3 + 2^3 + .............99^3Pls post the soln

1) 0
2) 1
3) 2
4) 5
5) 8