MBA Exam

A sequence of non-negative integers is given such that t1 = 150 and tn = tn - 2 – tn - 1 for n > 2. Forwhat value of t2 would the sequence have the maximum possible number of terms?​

1) 90
2) 97
3) 93
4) 75

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MBA Other Question

If the vertices of a triangle have integral coordinates then

1) the triangle must be equilateral.
2) the triangle can never be equilateral.
3) the triangle may or may not be equilateral.
4) such a triangle cannot exist.
the no. of common tangents to the circles x2 + y2 – 2x – 2y – 23 = 0 and x2 + y2 – 12x – 26y + 141 = 0 ?

1) 0
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4