MBA Exam

The ratio of two six digit numbers abcabc and ababab is 55/54 .Find the value of a+b+c?

1) 26
2) 14
3) 31
4) 12

Read Solution (Total 3)

MBA Other Question

the distance travelled by a freely falling body is directly proportional to the square of the time for which it falls.A body fell 95m in the 10th second.find the distance(in m)it fell in the 14th second...

1) 54
2) 116.5
3) 108
4) 135
A vessel is full of kerosene and petrol in which there are 18% kerosene. Eight liters are drawn off and then vessel is filled with petrol. If the kerosene is now 15%, how much does vessel hold?

1) 42 lliters
2) 48 liters
3) 52 liters
4) 40 liters