MBA Exam

How many 8 digits no are there sum of whose digits are even ?

1) 14400
2) 4x5^5
3) 45x10^6
4) None

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MBA Other Question

Nitesh decides to go for a long drive. He started at 9 pm from his house and drives at a uniform speed of 25 km/hr to reach a point X. From X he traveled to another point Y at a uniform speed of 30 km/hr. He then returned to X at a uniform speed of 60km/hr and from X, he returned home at 12 am midnight traveling with a speed of 100 km/hr. What is the total distance traveled by Nitesh?

1) 75 km
2) 120 km
3) 180 km
4) 300 km
find the sum of all 2 digit no. that give the remainder 3.when they are divided by 7.

1) 686
2) 676
3) 666
4) 656