MBA Exam

If sum of the numbers (a25)^2 and a^3 is divisible by 9, then which of the following may be a value for a??kindly post solution as well

1) 1
2) 7
3) 9
4) 8
5) No value

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MBA Other Question

there are 10 people sitting in a circular table and playes a game where each one thinks of a number and whispers it to their neighbours .then the calculate the average of the numbers they have heard and announces individually.if they announce numbers like 45 13 22 27 35 43 52 60 68 37 whats the nos picked up by the man who announces 60???options are

1) 20
2) 28
3) 62
4) 68
if 2 equations x2+px+q=0 & x2+lx+m=0 have one common root,then how many of following 3 statements can be true?1) Common root is (pm-ql)/(q-m)2)Common root is ( q-m )/(l-p)3) Square of common root is (pm-ql)/(l-p)

1) 0
2) 1
3) 2
4) 3