MBA Exam

clock A,B,C strikes every hour. B slower down and takes 2 min longer than A per hr. While C become faster and takes 2 min less than A pr hour. they strike together at 12 midnight. when they will strike again ?plz explain.

1) 10a.m
2) 11a.m
3) 91.m
4) 8a.m

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MBA Other Question

Points A, B and C are randomly selected on the circumference of a circle. What is the probability of angle ABC being acute?

1) 1/4
2) 1/2
3) 3/4
4) 2/5
find the number of natural number solution to the equation a+b+c<=12.

1) 11C2
2) 12C3
3) 13C3
4) 13C2