MBA Exam

What are the number of ways, when ten persons, amongst whom A, B and C are to speak at a function, where A wants to speak before B and B wants to speak before C?

1) (factorial 10)/6
2) factorial 3 * factorial 7
3) 10P3 * factorial 7
4) (factorial 10)/3

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MBA Other Question

A and B start swimming simultaneously from two points P and Q respectively, on a river towards each other. A crosses a floating cork at a point S and B crosses the floating cork at a point T which is at a distance of 8 km from point S. A and B cross each other at a distance of 2 km from T. It is given that the direction of flow of the river is from P to Q and in still water, the ratio of speeds of A and B is 3 : 1. P, S, T and Q ( in that order) are on the same straight line and assume that A, B and the floating cork move along that line. Find the ratio of the upstream speed of A to the downstream speed of B.a. 9 : 7 b. 6 : 5 c. 5 : 4 d. Cannot be determined

1) a
2) b
3) c
4) d
The probability that a bomb may explode is 0.5.2 explosions are needed to destroy a bridge.minimum how many bombs are required that the probability that the bridge is destroyed is more than 90 %.I don't know the answer. But i'am stuck with this. I've marked the answer mentioned by my friend as right, but the answer i am getting is 2 less than that.

1) 9
2) 7
3) 10
4) 8
5) 11