MBA Exam

How many six-letter words can be formed from the letters of the word HINDUSTAN so that the words contain exactly 2 vowels and 4 consonants?

1) 23760
2) 32400
3) 17280
4) 18580

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MBA Other Question

The ratio of the incomes of Ajay and Vijay are in the ratio 1 : 2 and the ratio of their expenses in 1 : 5. Who is saving more?

1) Ajay
2) Vijay
3) Same Savings
4) Cannot be determined
A natural number is randomly selected from 1 to 300. Find the probability that it is exactly divisible by two of the three numbers 3, 6, 8?

1) 19/150
2) 13/150
3) 37/300
4) 31/300