Elitmus Exam Numerical Ability Permutation and Combination

Compute the no. of distinct ways in which 56 toffees can be distributed to A,B,C,D,E so that no person receives less than 10 toffees?
A)10c6 B)10c5 C)6^3

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Elitmus Other Question

there is cask full of milk.E litres are drawn from the cask,it is then filled with water.this process is repeated.now the ratio of milk to water is 16:9.What is the capacity of the cask in litres? A cow was standing on a bridge, 5m away from the middle of the bridge. A train was coming towards the bridge from the ends nearest to the cow.Seeing this cow ran towards the the train and managed to escape when the train was 2m away from bridge.If it had run in the opposite direction, it would hit by the train 2m before the end of the bridge.What is the lenght of the bridge in meters assuming the speed of the train is 4times that of cow?
A)32 B)36 C)40 D)cant be determined