TCS Company Logical Reasoning Logical Sequences

An equilateral triangle ABC with sides of length Θ cm is placed inside a square AXYZ with sides
of length 2*Θ cm so that side AB of triangle is along the base of the square (as shown).
The triangle is rotated clockwise about B, then C and so on along the sides of the square until the points
A, B and C return to their original positions. Find the length of the path (in cm) traversed by point C.

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TCS Other Question

A and B invest in a business in the ratio 3 : 2. If 4 % of the total profit goes to charity and A's
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average weight of 47 balls is 4gm.if the weight of the bag is included,the calculated average weight per ball is increased by 0.3gm.what is the weight of bag?