Gmate Exam

Q. Two trains running at x meters per second and y meters per second cross the same tunnel in a seconds and b seconds respectively. If the difference of lengths in the trains is m meters, then-Option

A) m=xa - yb
B) 1/m=1/(xa) + 1/(yb)
C) m=xa + yb
D) m/(xa)=yb + 1Q

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Gmate Other Question

Q. Koel score 49 marks in english, 37 marks in science, 45 marks in maths, 53 marks in hindi and 55 marks in social. The maximum marks a student can score in each subject is 70.how much approx percentage did Koel get in this exam?
Q. A man bought 15 apples at Rs.36 for 5 oranges and sold all of them at four apples for Rs.45. How much did the man gain or lose in this transaction?