Elitmus Exam Numerical Ability Time and Work

A is a creater nd B is a destroyer. A can complete a building in 20 days while B can destroy it in 30 days. If both working alternate days,then after how much time will be the building completes for the first time?

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Elitmus Other Question

A horsecarter has two wheels,frontwheel nd bachwheel...nd their circumference r in the ratio x:y. frontwheel take T rotations in one min nd backwheel takes T+x rotation in one minute.T,x,y r integers >0..so fing the second least value of y...when y>x? Two teams of basketball,IIT nd IIM r playing against each other. The match was held in 4 quarters. IIT has scored goals in increasing GP in each quarter,whereas IIM has socred in increasing AP in each quarter..no teams have a total of more than 100 goals,nd IIM has scored 1 goal extra than IIT. so how much goals they together scored in first half?