m4maths Maths Puzzle

There are 125 chips on the table. If as many of the chips as possible are to be arranged into an equal number of 3-chip stacks & 4-chip stacks & the remaining chips are to be removed, how many of the chips are to be removed?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 5
d. 6
e. 7

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m4maths Other Question

rank of the word MANAN in the dictionary of words formed by letters of the word MANAN taking all letters at a time. Three men A, B, C, agreed to share the expenses of a trip in the ratio 2:3:4. A paid $250 to porters, B paid $ 700 for the stuff and C paid $490 for travelling expenses. How much should A and C together pay to B to settle their agreed share? a) 200 b) 210 c) 220 d) 240 e) 300