m4maths Maths Puzzle Logical Reasoning Direction Sense

Let’s play a game of Russian roulette. You are tied to your chair and can’t get up. Here’s a gun. Here’s the barrel of the gun, six chambers, all empty. Now watch me as I put a single bullet in the gun. I close the barrel and spin it. I put a gun to your head and pull the trigger. Click. Lucky you! Now I’m going to pull the trigger one more time. Which would you prefer, that I spin the barrel first, or that I just pull the trigger

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m4maths Other Question

N people were in a party and were seated in a circular manner. If each of the two present in the party, except the pairs that were adjacent,sang a song and If a song lasted for 2 mins and 28 mins was taken for singing the songs, find N. The entry ticket to a trade fair was increased by 20%. Due to this the number of visitors was reduced by 10%. The daily money receipts are then increased by
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