Others Maths Puzzle

how many such digits are there in the number 52361984 each of which is far way from the beginning of the number as when the digits are rearranged in ascending order within the number?

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Others Other Question

i travel with the speed of 2x, 3x and 5x for 3hr, 5hr and 7hr respectively. My average speed for entire journey was 65.33km/hr. what is my slowest speed ?
(A)20 (B)40 (C) 50 (D) 60
There are 4 timer machines. 1st machines beeps after every 30 mins. 2nd machine beeps after every 1 hr. 3rd beeps after every 1.30 mins and 4th beeps after every 1.45 mins. At 12 noon all machines beeps at the same time. Next At which time they will all 4 machines beep at a time?