C Programming and Technical Programming Program

Assuming a integer 2-bytes, What will be the output of the program?

int main()
printf("%xn", -1<<3);
return 0;
1) ffff
2) fff8
3) 0
4) -1

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C Other Question

Point out the error if any in the following program (Turbo C).
void display(int num, ...);

int main()
display(4, 'A', 'a', 'b', 'c');
return 0;
void display(int num, ...)
char c; int j;
va_list ptr;
va_start(ptr, num);
for(j=1; j<=num; j++)
c = va_arg(ptr, char);
printf("%c", c);
1) Error: unknown variable ptr
2) Error: Lvalue required for parameter
3) No error and print A a b c
4) No error and print 4 A a b c
What is the maximum combined length of command line
arguments including the space between adjacent