CAT Exam Numerical Ability Number System

Consider four digit numbers for which the first two digits are equal and the last two digits are also equal. How many such
numbers are perfect squares?
(1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 0 (4) 1 (5) 3

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CAT Other Question

3,2,3,6,----- what next a bike man start his journey at 9a.m he saw a milestone that showed a three digits no.At 10am he saw a another milestone that showed a two digit no and both digits were also there in the first milestone's no.At 11am he saw another milestone that showed the reversed no of 2nd milestone.
the sum of digit in all milestone is same.if the bike man travelling at uniform speed then what is his speed?
1. 45kmph
2. 30kmph
3. 27kmph
4. 54kmph