Infosys Company

There is a water tank which has enough water to be consumed in 60 days. If there is leakage water stays there for 40 days. If there are more similar leakage then how long water will consumed…

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Infosys Other Question

There are 3 societies A, B, C having some tractors each. A Gives B and C as many tractors as they already have. After some days B gives A and C as many tractors as they have. After some days C gives A and B as many tractors as they have. Finally each has 24 tractors. What is the original Number of tractors each had in the beginning? Ans. A ?39. B? 21. C? 12. There is a hemisphere of radius of 2 cm how much liter will be occupied in the hemisphere… given 1 liter= 1000 cubic cm…