Others Maths Puzzle

There are how many integers "n" in between 1 and 10^7, including both, such that last 7 digits of n and n^3 are the same? (If n or n^3 has fewer than 7 digits, then add 0s in the left and then compare the last 7 digits.)

a. 10
b. 15
c. 20
d. None of These

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Others Other Question

James bond is a spy. He has to give signal to his senior after 90 minutes. He do not have any watch. He has two rods, each of which takes two h ours to burn if lit at one end. These rods are not homogeneous and some p arts of the rod burn more quickly than the other parts. He cannot cut the rod into h alf. What should he do to give the signal after 90 minutes. find the no.of zeros in expression of 8*15*23*17*25*22