Others Maths Puzzle

can any1 plz help 2 solve & UNDERSTAND????
A is 50% as efficient as B.C does half of the work done by A & B together.If C alone works 40 days then A,B,C together will do the work?????

Time & Work (RS.Agarwal page 346....but plzzz method other than Ratio)
thanks in advance

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Others Other Question

A girl, at the funeral of her mother, met a guy whom she did not know. She fell for him and just kept looking at him.Sometime later she realized that the guy is gone and she forgot to take the number of the guy and now she can't find him. A few days later she killed her elder brother.
Question: What is her motive in killing her brother ?
5+ 2 underroot 6
Underoot 2+underroot 3