Others Maths Puzzle

Study the following information and answer the questions given below:
A + B means A is daughter of B
A – B means A is the husband of B
A * B means A is the brother of B
A / B means A is the mother of B

1. If R * M + N – L / P is true, then which of the following the following statements is true
1. P is the brother of M
2. P is the sister of M
3. P and R are brothers
4. M, R and P are siblings

2. Which of the following represents P is the daughter-in-law of M
1. L / M * K – P + R
2. L – M / K * R – P
3. M * N – R / P + L
4. M + N – R * P / L

3. Which of the following symbols should replace the question mark (?) in order to make L is the niece of R definitely true
J – L ? P * R / S

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