TCS Company

two car travel in the direction at 40km/hr at a regular distance. A car comes in the opposite direction at 60 km/hr. it meets each car in a gap of 8 sec. what is the distance between two car.

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TCS Other Question

3.What is
, where 28CK
is the number of ways of choosing k items from 28
a.406 *2^27
b.306 *2^26
c.28 *2^27
d.56 *2^27
the original price of a car was rs 23600. Because the car owner thought he could get more money for the car; he increased the price of the car to 160% of its original price . After a week the car had not sold so the owner then discounted the price by 20% the car was finally sold what price was the car sold for ?