maths Maths Puzzle

Frank and his brother Jack are going to meet each. Frank is leaving school in a sportscar and Jack is on a bike and leaving their house. Although the two boys are going in opposite directions, they take the exact same roads to go to and from school. When they meet who was closer to their home?

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maths Other Question

A perfect square has length n if its last n (decimal) digits are the same and non-zero. What is the maximum possible length? Find all squares that achieve this length. Some people believe that January 1, 2000 is the first day of the 21st century. Other people believe that the honor belongs to January 1, 2001. But everyone should agree that January 1, 2002 is the first "sum-day" of the new century- when you write out that date in standard notation, it becomes 01/01/02, and 1+1=2. More generally, a sum-day is a date in which the day and month add up to the year. With that in mind:

A) What is the last sum-day of the 21st century?

B) How many sum-days are there in the 21st century?