self Maths Puzzle

The least common multiple of two natural numbers a and b, is 399. What is the minimum possible sum of the digits of the number a(given a > b)?

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self Other Question

At a pizza hut fast food resturant aditi can buy 3 burgers,7 shakes and one order of fries for rs.120/- exatcly at the same place it would cost 164.50 for 4 burgers,10 shakes and one order of much would it cost for an ordinory meal of one burger,one shake and no order of fries? When 242 is divided by a certain divisor the remainder obtained is 8. When 698 is divided by the same divisor the remainder obtained is 9. However, when the sum of the two numbers 242 and 698 is divided by the divisor, the remainder obtained is 4. What is the value of the divisor?