self Maths Puzzle

A total of 15 teams participated in a tournament. Each team plays with every other team exactly once. A team gets 3 points for a win, 2 points for a draw and 1 point for a loss. The team which scored the least got 21 points. The scores of all the teams were distinct and at least one match played by winning team was drawn. Which of the following is always true for the winning team?

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self Other Question

A lock has a code consisting of five distinct letters, from among the first eleven words of English alphabet. The lock opens, if any three letters of the code match occurring not in the same position. What is the least number of five-letter codes, one should try to be sure that the lock is opened

Because of the economic slowdown, a multinational company curtailed some of the allowances of its employees. Rashid, the marketing manager of the company whose monthly salary has been reduced to Rs 42,000 is unable to cut more on his expenditure. He finds that there is a deficit of Rs 2,000 between his earning and expenses in the first month. This deficit, because of inflationary pressure, will keep on increasing by Rs 500 every month. Rashid has a saving of Rs 60,000 which will be used to fill the deficit. After his savings get exhausted, Rashid would start borrowing from his friends. How soon will he start borrowing?







