self Maths Puzzle

There is an old bridge over river Ganga. Four people wants to cross the bridge at night. Many plants are missing, and the bridge can hold only two people at a time (any more than two, and the bridge collapses). The travellers must use a torch to guide their steps; otherwise they’re sure to step through a missing space and fall to their death. There is only one torch. The four people each travel at different speeds. Sharukh can cross the bridge in one minute; Aamir in two minutes; Salman takes five minutes; and the slowest person, Saif, takes ten minutes. The bridge is going to collapse in exactly seventeen minutes. How can all four people cross the bridge?

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self Other Question

Five robbers have one hundred gold coins to split among themselves. They divide the coins as follows : The senior robber proposes a division, and everyone votes on it. Provided that at least half the robbers vote including himself for the proposal i.e, he has to get 50% of the votes, they split the coins that way. If not, they kill the senior robber and start over. The most senior (surviving) robber proposes his own division plan, and they vote by the same rules and either divide the coins or kill the senior robber, as the case may be. The process continues until one plan is accepted. Suppose you are the senior robber. What division do you propose ? (The robbers are all extremely logical and greedy, and all want to live.) You have two candles. Each will burn for exactly one hour. But the candles are not identical and do not burn at a constant rate. There are fast-burning sections and slow-burning sections. How do you measure forty-five minutes using only the candles and a lighter?