Book Maths Puzzle

Kamal started a business with Rs.25000 and after 4 months, Kiran joined him with Rs.60000. Kamal received Rs.58000 including 10% of profit as commission for managing the business. What amount did Kiran receive?

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Book Other Question

Suresh started a business with Rs.20,000. Kiran joined him after 4 months with Rs.30,000. After 2 months, Suresh withdrew Rs.5,000 of his capital and 2 more months later, Kiran brought in Rs.20,000 more. What should be the ratio in which they should share their profits at the end of the year? A starts a business with a capital of Rs. 85,000. B joins in the business with Rs.42500 after some time. For how much period does B join, if the profits at the end of the year are divided in the ratio of 3 : 1?