Gate Exam

Let G=(V, E) be a graph. Define ( ) d
d G = i - d , where id is the number of vertices of degree d in G. If S and T are two different trees with x (S) = x (T), then
(A) S = 2 T
(B) S = T - 1
(C) S = T
(D) S = T + 1

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Gate Other Question

Let S = {1,2,3 ,m},m>3. Let X1 X be subsets of S each of size 3. Define a function ffrom Sto the set of natural numbers as, f(i)is the number of sets Xthat Newton-Raphson method is used to compute a root of the equation 2x+13=0 with 3.5 as the initial value. The approximation after one iteration is
(A) 3.575
(B) 3.676
(C) 3.667
(D) 3.607