TCS Company

The citizens of planet Oz are 6 fingered and thus have developed a number system in base 6. A certain street in Oz contains 1000 buildings numbered from 1 to 1000. How many 3’s are used in numbering these buildings? Express your answer in base 10.

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TCS Other Question

In which of the system, decimal number 194 is equal to 1234? 19 people are invited to a party.the host and the hostess shake hands with each other and with each invited persons.the invited persons shake hand in a circular fashion, i.e. the pairs(a1,a2), (a2,a3)......(a18,a19), (a19,a1) shake hands.So in all there are 58 handshakes.Let S be a set of people such that every pair in S shake hands.The size of the S is atmost --a)2 b)3 C)1 d)4