self Maths Puzzle General Ability General Knowledge

there are three temples,u have to offer flowers in all the three temples,condition is that a pond is there in front of all the three temples in before entering to temple you have to wash the flowers in the pond,when you wsh the flowers they will become double,you can purchase the flower only once,and u have to offer equal numbers of flowers in wll the three temples and finally you should have no flower remaining with you, question is how many flowers will you purchase???

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self Other Question

If there are 50 hens, 40 goats, 30 camels and some watching men. If number of legs are 640 more than that of heads. Then find the no. of watching men?? A set of football matches is to
be organized in a "round-robin"
fashion, i.e., every participating
team plays a match against
every other team once and only
If 21 matches are totally played,
how many teams participated?