TCS Company Verbal Ability Miscellaneous

You are the project leader for a team of 20 members. As the team members are not submitting the weekly time sheets regularly, you need to email them stressing the need to submit without fail. Using the following phrases, write an email with a minimum of 70 words and a maximum of 100 words to your team members informing the same. can be accessed online-lead to loss of pay-every week-do not default-used to bill clientactual working hours-by friday-failure to adhere-time sheet filling application

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TCS Other Question

As your company is doing good business and expanding, your company is relocating it's office to a new address. Using the following phrases, write an email with a minimum of 70 words and a maximum of 100 words to your customer informing the change in address. near outer ring road-shifting to-bigger office space-November 10-change in telephone number-new address is provided below-fourth floor-Cesina Business Park. if 5/2 artists make 5/2 paintings using 5/2 convases in 5/2 days then how many artists are required to make 25 paintings with 25 convases in 25 days