IBPS Government Jobs Exams Logical Reasoning General Mental Ability

Four defensive football players are chasing the opposing wide receiver, who has the ball. Calvin is directly behind the ball carrier. Jenkins and Burton are side by side behind Calvin. Zeller is behind Jenkins and Burton. Calvin tries for the tackle but misses and falls. Burton trips. Which defensive player tackles the receiver?

A. Burton
B. Zeller
C. Jenkins
D. Calvin

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IBPS Other Question

Fact 1: Robert has four vehicles.
Fact 2: Two of the vehicles are red.
Fact 3: One of the vehicles is a minivan.
If the first three statements are facts, which of the following statements must also be a fact?
I: Robert has a red minivan.
II: Robert has three cars.
III: Robert's favorite color is red.

A. I only
B. II only
C. II and III only
D. None of the statements is a known fact.

A four-person crew from Classic Colors is painting Mr. Field's house. Michael is painting the front of the house. Ross is in the alley behind the house painting the back. Jed is painting the window frames on the north side, Shawn is on the south. If Michael switches places with Jed, and Jed then switches places with Shawn, where is Shawn?

A. in the alley behind the house
B. on the north side of the house
C. in front of the house
D. on the south side of the house