SSC Government Jobs Exams Verbal Ability Synonyms

Find out the meaning of the word which is not match

1. Barber -One who Cut hair
2. Waiter-One who serves food in Hotals
3. Bkear-One who makes Bread
4. Banker -One who predicts future

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SSC Other Question

John buys an electric iron with 'ISI mark and Ravi buys the same type without 'ISI mark. Savithri purchases oil with 'AG' mark and Sumithra purchases oil without AGMARK. If "ISI" mark and 'AG' marks aS
1. John and Sumithra
2. John and Savitri
3. Ravi and Savitri
4. Ravi and Sumitra
Judge : Justice : Censor: ?

1. freedom
2. Morality
3. Entertainment
4. Halls