IBPS Government Jobs Exams Logical Reasoning Logical Sequences

In a certain statement
(A) - Ganesh is shorter than Suresh
(B) - Mukesh is taller than Suresh but shorter than Pinto
(C)- Pinto is taller than Suresh but Shorter than anil
(D) - Suresh is shorter than Anil
Who will be in the middle if they stand in a row according to the height?
1) Ganesh
2) Suresh
3) Mukesh
4) Anil

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IBPS Other Question

Child is related to Father, in the same way Book is related to
1) Publisher
2) Auther
3) Print
4) Library
5) Booklet
Ornithologists are related to birds, Anthropologists are related to
1) animal
2) mankind
3) insects
4) minerals
5) environment