IBM Company Logical Reasoning Mathematical Reasoning

A belongs to the truther tribe " who says yes". B belongs to the liers tribe " who says no always".when A&B were asked to which group do they belonged to both of them replied "yes".when a third person C was asked whether A&B belong to same group,he notified groups he answered "No".to which group do A,B and C belong?

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IBM Other Question

3 step of a ladder is immersed in water .if thickness of the steps is 1.5” and distance between the steps is 8” .the tide raise at the rate of 16” per hour for first 6 hrs and then it ebbs at the rate of 8” per hour .after 8 hrs how many steps will be immersed in water. If average age of a five member group is same as three years ago. When a old man is replaced by a young man. What is the diff. between their ages.