TCS Company

Write an e-mail to a restaurant owner, complaining about the bad service you had at his restaurant

visited - restaurant-weekend-friend from Bangalore- reservation- wait-half an hour-bad service- waiters- rude- long time- food arrive-cold- bill -late- surprised- act immediately- good reputation

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TCS Other Question

Consider a chessboard with a single Rook. A Rook can move any number of square sideways/forward, but not diagonally.
What is the minimum number of moves the Rook needs to make, in order to pass over all the squares on the chessboard and return to the original position?
Write an e-mail to your client explaining that there will be a delay in you project

inform - project delivery- delayed- key team member- sick-food poisoning- last minute- unexpected- trying - substitute- required skill set- lost time- delay of one week- apologies