IBPS Government Jobs Exams Logical Reasoning Logical Sequences

In a class of 20 students, Mridul's rank is 12th from the top and Veena's rank is 17th from the buttom. If Rohan's rank is exactly between Mridul and Veena's rank, what is Rohan's rank from the top?
(1) 9th
(2) 8th
(3) 10th
(4) 7th
(5) Cannot be determined

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IBPS Other Question

Pointing to a boy, Mrs. Mira said, He is the only son of my grandfather's only childĀ. How is the boy related or Mrs. Mira?
(1) Cousin
(2) Uncle
(3) Sister
(4) Brother
(5) Cannot be determined
Skating is related to Rink in the same way as Badminton is related to _________.
(1) Court
(2) Field
(3) Stadium
(4) Pitch
(5) Ground