IBPS Government Jobs Exams Numerical Ability Number System

How many such pairs of digits are there in the number 82615943 each of which has as many digits between them in the number as when the digits are rearrangement in ascending order within the number?
(1) Three
(2) One
(3) Four
(4) Two
(5) None of these

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IBPS Other Question

(1) If x means -, A means +, + means * and - means x,
Then 2-50+40x10 A96=?
(1) 104
(2) 98
(3) 182
(4) 192
(5) None of these

Who amongst the following cricketers became the ninth indian to claim 150 or more wickets?
(a) A.Kumble
(b) A.Agarkar
(c) S.Tendulkar
(d) Harbhajan Singh
(e) None of these