IBPS Government Jobs Exams Logical Reasoning Decision Making and Problem Solving

How many such pairs of letters are there in the won EXAMINATION, each of which has as many letters be tween them in the word, as they have in the English alphabet?
(1) None
(2) One
(3) Two
(4) Three
(5) More than three

Read Solution (Total 3)

IBPS Other Question

If the letters of the word VERTICAL are arranged alphabetically, how many letters will remain at the same position?
(1) Four
(2) Three
(3) Two
(4) One
(5) None
If it is possible to make a three-digit number from the third, the fifth and the sixth digits of the number 30651972 using each digit only once, which is the square of an odd number the last digit of that three-digit number i your answer. If no such number can be formed you answer is 4 and if more than one such number can b formed your answer is 8.
(1) 1
(2) 9
(3) 6
(4) 4
(5) 8