TCS Company

Rearrange the alphabets REGHFTYD, find the type of rearranged word belongs to:
(a) Animal
(b) Tree
(c) Bird
(d) Thing

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TCS Other Question

Smita was making 1 design, size of larger cube to be made is 5*5*5using smaller cubes
of 1*1*1. She created solid larger cube.. Then she decided to make hollow cube. Then how
many 1*1*1 cubes required to make hollow larger cube
A scientist was researching on animal behavior in his lab. He was very interested in analyzing the behavior of bear. For some reason he traveled 1 mile in north direction & reached at north pole, there he saw a bear, he then followed the bear around 1 hr with a speed of 2kmph in east direction , after that he traveled in south direction & reached at his lab min 2 hrs. Then what is the color of the bear?
(a) white (b) black (c) gray (d) brown