TCS Company HR Interview Interview

There are 2 groups named brown and red. They can n't marry in the same group. If the husband or wife dies then the person will revert to their own group. If a person is married then the husband will have to change his group to his wife's group. Children will own the mother's group. If man is red then his mother's brother belong to which group if he is married
(a) red
(b) brown
(c) red and brown
(d) none

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TCS Other Question

There is a plane contains 32 points. All the 32 points have equal distance from point x. Which of the following is true There are 100 wine glasses. I offered my servant to 3 paise for every broken glass to be delivered safely and forfeit 9 paise for every glass broken at the end of day. He received Rs.2.40 .how many glass did he break?