NDA Government Jobs Exams

Which one among the following statement is correct ?
Indigestive system of living organism
(A) glucose is broken down into glycerol
(B) glucose is converted into glycogen
(C) glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide and water
(D) proteins are broken down into amino acids

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NDA Other Question

Which of the following group is present in animal cells ?
(A) Mitochondria, Cell membrane, Cell wall, Cytoplasm
(B) Chloroplast, Cytoplasm, Vacuole, Nucleus
(C) Nucleus, Cell membrane, Mitochondria, Cytoplasm
(D) Vacuole, Cell membrane, Nucleus, Mitochondria
Which one among the following rocks does not belong to the same group ?
(A) Shale (B) Limestone (C) Slate (D) Sandstone