KVPY Government Jobs Exams

Consider an incomplete pyramid of balls on a square base having 18 layers; and having 13 balls on each side of the top layer. Then the total number N of balls in that pyramid satisfies
(A) 9000 < N < 10000
(B) 8000 < N < 9000
(C) 7000 < N < 8000
(D) 10000 < N < 12000

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KVPY Other Question

The number of distinct prime divisors of the number 512^3 - 253^3 - 259^3 is A man wants to reach a certain destination. One-sixth of the total distance is muddy while half the distance is tar road. For the remaining distance he takes a boat. His speed of traveling in mud , in water, on tar road is in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5. The ratio of the durations he requires to cross the patch of mud, stream and tar road is