KVPY Government Jobs Exams

The total radiative power emitted by spherical blackbody with radius R and temperature T is P. If the radius
if doubled and the temperature is halved then the radiative power will be -
(A) P/4 (B) P/2 (C) 2P (D) 4P

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KVPY Other Question

Due to transitions among its first three energy levels, hydrogenic atom emits radiation at three discrete
wavelengths λ1, λ2, and λ3 (λ1 < λ2 < λ3). Then -
(A) λ1 = λ2 + λ3 (B) λ1 + λ2 = λ3 (C) 1/λ1 + 1/λ2 = 1/λ3 (D) 1/λ1 = 1/λ2 + 1/λ3
The Quantum Hall Resistance RH is a fundamental constant with dimensions of resistance. If h is Planck's
constant and e the electron charge, then the dimension of RH is the same as -
(A) e^2/h (B) h/e^2 (C) h^2/e (D) e/h^2