KVPY Government Jobs Exams

Extraction of silver is achieved by initial complexation of the ore (Argentite) with X followed by reduction
with Y. X and Y respectively are
(A) CN– and Zn (B) CN– and Cu (C) Cl– and Zn (D) Br– and Zn

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KVPY Other Question

The hybridizations of Ni(CO)4 and Cr(H2O)6
2+, respectively, are
(A) sp3 and d3sp2 (B) dsp2 and d2sp3 (C) sp3 and d2sp3 (D) dsp2 and sp3d2
Assuming ideal behaviour, the enthalpy and volume of mixing of two liquids, respectively, are
(A) zero and zero (B) + ve and zero (C) –ve and zero (D) – ve and – ve